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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Neocon winds down

Storm clouds flew away exposing sun and warmth on the last day of Neocon. The third and last day of Neocon traditionally is dubbed "student day." This year, as in the past, students filled the passageways sharing their contagious enthusiam and energy with all. With attendance numbers down from the first two days of the fair, designers, sales reps, and others have more time to talk to students helping them learn the business. The hoopla, high energy, and partying, along with networking, product news, seminars, continuing education classes, raffle drawings, and free food has now ended. Apple's IPad was the most popular raffle drawing. I think I entered a half dozen different IPad drawings including the Scavenger Hunt where I had to scan my registration badge at 21 designated showrooms. I hope I win for it will help me blog remotely! Other raffle prizes I'm excited about include a task lamp from Luxo, Cubs baseball tickets from Abet, and 200 sq. ft. of porcelain tile from Crossville. I'll let you know when I win something. Neocon may now be over, however, this blog is not. My work is just beginning so keep checking in because I have several pages of notes from Neocon regarding product and seminar news to share.

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