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Monday, June 14, 2010

Neocon remains a lively and thriving convention

I don't know attendance numbers for today, but from what I saw, Neocon is as popular as ever. What a fun day it was for those who braved the cold, damp, and foggy Chicago weather. For those of you who are from out of town, yes, Chicago can get quite hot - but not today. Inside was chilly too. The air conditioner was turned on for high attendance. Tomorrow, I will wear long sleeves and a jacket. As I approached the Merchandise Mart this morning, the building's majestic and grand facade reminded me of what lies inside. Visitors cannot be disappointed by the plethora of products and architecture boosting style, design, imagination, and innovation. It is all so visually stimulating. My plan to take a break every two hours worked well this year as I saw many new resting areas and eating spots scattered throughout each floor. I appreciate this thoughtful accomodation! The more rest we get, the more we can take in and absorb. Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I hope to see keynote speaker, Michael Graves. I look forward to hearing about his background in architecture and design. I hope he tells us about his design work with Target.

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